Hello, I'm dezibolt and this site is for my crypto content I create


I started crypto in May 2021

My first chain I used was the Fantom Opera Chain

My first few projects I was in, were burning my money pretty fast before I realized what D.Y.O.R. is and how important it is

With I first got into a deep-dive phase where I learned very much about whats crypto and whats it all about thanks to the developers and the team back then

With this new created enthusiasm about the crypto universe I started building some small iOS Shortcuts which you can find if you follow the button below

TSHARE Reward Calculator

This iOS Shortcut is calculating your rewards you will get from staking TSHAREs in Masonry at the project
To install the shortcut on your device you first need to :
- create one own (empty) shortcut
- download via button below

Patch Notes:
- changed expansion rate to 1%
- added "ROI" (Return Of Investment) calculation

Wonderland - TIME "Check"

This iOS Shortcut is calculating your investment difference / profit for your current MEMO/TIME position on AVAX
To install the shortcut on your device you first need to :
- create one own (empty) shortcut
- download via button below

Patch Notes:
- Added box for wallet address input
- Added comments for input variables like invest amount